
2 комментария

  • Caitlin Smith

    i love the art with the angel and the witch and i keep reading that its from a story what story is it? whats the title or is it even out yet i would really love to read it .

    Май 18, 2012
    • Since you did for a brief description of the history 🙂
      Angel Witch, and once met and fell in love. But this love can not be held. Angel in the service of God. A witch lives alone in the forest and serves as the dark forces. The witch asks the angel to give up his work. But an angel can not do this. Though very much wants it to be. She is angry accidentally kills him in the pursuit of its magic. And unable to bear the loss of a loved one commits ritual suicide, saying the spell. They should meet in another life. And this meeting will occur, but they do not recognize each other. A will occur only in the common dream …

      Май 19, 2012

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